Thursday, October 17, 2019


Al Gore paper revision
The prompt was a closed prompt that deals with rhetorical analysis (RA). 

In keeping with the themes of NCTE, let’s look at the Al Gore papers and do some revision.

I would ask first that you review the following aspects of your paper:

·      How well did you understand the prompt?
·      How well did you articulate your understanding of the prompt via the claim statement?
·      Was your claim statement open (needs to be proven) or closed (is a declarative statement)?
·      After reading through all of my comments, were there some that you don’t quite understand?  If so, please ask!
·      How is your language use?  Are your verbs active or passive?  Is your diction vague or specific?
·      How would you rate your comma use?  Semi-colon use? Understanding of paragraphing?
·      How well did you articulate your ideas in your concluding paragraph?

Now, consider:

·      Your own structure—how did you build your argument?
·      For each point you made, did you illustrate and extend?  (Review the piece on Harris Moves in your binder.)

     Did you proofread and edit?

Now the revision-- please revise your INTRODUCTION and one paragraph of your choosing.  Take into account the answers you had to the above questions AND the comments I made on your paper.

Please turn the revision in WITH THE ORIGINAL (in your folder) on 

If you have any questions, just make an appointment to see me. 

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