Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What is due on 4/20?

This is from the latest "Read Me First" letter":

Please be prepared to submit at least TWO pieces to me by April 20th through Google docs.  Please include links or MLA citations for what you have submitted. Please note that eventually everything will need to be in MLA format. 

For example:

1. Read one poem or short story that is related in a meaningful way to your research subject
Format: Write a one-page (250 words) analytical report on this piece. This should include appropriate MLA-styled bibliographical information about the work at the top, followed by:
  • A bit of background about the author and the time period it was written.
  • A summary of the plot, structure, form. Tell how the work is organized.  Some questions you might address in the report are: Is it a narrative, expository, compare/contrast, problem-solving, etc., format?  Is it told in past or present tense? Is the story told in chronological order?
  • A discussion of the work’s point of view.  Is it first person (narrative)? Is there a third person narrator?  Is the narrator’s point of view limited, or omniscient? Does POV change, and if so, why?
  • A discussion of the work’s setting.  Where/when does the story take place?  How does the setting influence the characters and/or the plot?
  • A discussion of the author’s use of diction, syntax, possible imagery, symbolism, irony, and tone.  How do the author’s choices complement the work and/or purpose?
  • A discussion of theme.  What is the underlying idea(s) of the work?  What does the author want you to think about the subject?
  • Conclusion – include your opinion of the work.
2. Film or Documentary
View one film or documentary  related to your topic. It does not need to be longer than an hour; you may find that some documentaries are shorter pieces.
Format: SPACE CAT the piece, including bibliographical information following MLA style.  Then, create a ONE PAGER: are there themes present? Are there motifs pointing to the themes? Does the film reinforce popular ideas or introduce new ones? Does it trade in stereotypes? How does lighting, color, scene setting, etc. contribute to the overall purpose?

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Planner through May

As of today we are only closed until May 15, but this goes through the end of May.